Advances in Roofing Technologies: The Future of Roofing

2 Sep 2023

Roofing has come a long way since the days of straw and mud. With the advent of new technologies and materials, the roofing industry is undergoing a transformation that promises not only durability, but also sustainability and energy efficiency. This blog post aims to explore some of the most exciting advances in roofing technologies that are shaping the future of how we protect our homes and buildings.


What is Solar Roofing?

Solar roofing is a revolutionary technology that integrates solar panels directly into the roofing material. Unlike traditional solar panels that are mounted on top of existing roofs, solar roofing replaces your conventional roof with photovoltaic (PV) cells that can generate electricity. This means that your roof not only serves as a protective barrier against the elements, but also as a power generator for your home.

Solar Shingles

These are smaller than traditional solar panels and are designed to look like conventional roofing shingles. They can be installed alongside regular shingles, allowing for a seamless blend with the existing architecture.

Key Benefits of Solar Roofing

  • Energy Savings: Solar roofs can generate a significant amount of electricity, lowering your energy bills.
  • Sustainability: By generating your own renewable energy, you are reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future.
  • Durability: Many solar roofing materials are designed to be highly durable, often outlasting traditional roofing materials.
  • Incentives: To help shorten the payback, there are solar incentives up to $5,000 available through the Greener Homes Grant from Natural Resources Canada. The same program also offers interest-free loans up to $40,000 for major home efficiency projects, including solar power systems.

Leading Solar Roofing Companies

Tesla: Tesla’s Solar Roof is perhaps the most well-known solar roofing product. It combines durable glass tiles with integrated solar cells.

SunPower: Known for their high-efficiency solar panels, SunPower also offers solar roofing solutions that integrate seamlessly with existing architecture.

CertainTeed: Their solar shingles offer a blend of aesthetics and efficiency and are designed to be installed alongside conventional roofing materials.

Solar roofing is more than just a trend; it’s a sustainable solution for modern living. With advancements in technology and increasing awareness of the need for renewable energy sources, solar roofing is set to become a standard feature in the homes of the future.


What is Cool Roofing?

Cool roofing is a technology designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat compared to traditional roofing materials. Cool roofs help to maintain lower temperatures in buildings, reducing the need for air conditioning and energy consumption.

Key Benefits of Cool Roofing

  • Energy Savings: Cool roofs can significantly reduce cooling costs, especially in hot climates, by reflecting more sunlight and absorbing less heat.
  • Climate Control: By maintaining a lower internal temperature, cool roofs make buildings more comfortable to live or work in.
  • Sustainability: Lower energy consumption means reduced greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a more sustainable environment.
  • Longevity: The reflective coatings used in cool roofing can extend the life of the roof by reducing thermal stress and degradation.

Leading Cool Roofing Companies

CertainTeed: The company offers a range of cool roofing solutions, including their Landmark Solaris line of solar-reflective asphalt shingles.

GAF: Known for their Timberline Cool Series Shingles, GAF is a leading manufacturer of cool roofing materials.

Cool roofing is an effective and increasingly popular technology that offers both economic and environmental benefits. As the demand for energy-efficient and sustainable building practices grows, cool roofing stands out as a smart choice for homeowners and businesses alike.


Drones are being increasingly used for roof inspections, offering a safer and more efficient method than traditional manual inspections. High-resolution cameras and advanced software can identify issues such as cracks, leaks, and wear and tear, allowing for timely repairs.

Types of Drone Inspections

  • Visual Inspections: The most common type of drone inspections, visual inspections use high-resolution cameras to capture detailed images and videos of the roof’s condition.
  • Thermal Imaging: Some drones come equipped with thermal cameras to detect heat variations, which can indicate water leaks or poor insulation.
  • 3D Mapping: Advanced drones can create a 3D model of the roof, providing a comprehensive view that can be analyzed in detail.

Key Benefits of Drone Inspections

  • Safety: Drone inspections eliminate the need for manual labour at heights, reducing the risk of accidents.
  • Efficiency: Drones can cover large areas in a short amount of time, making the inspection process quicker.
  • Precision: The high-resolution cameras and advanced sensors provide detailed and accurate data and allow for a more thorough analysis.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Although the initial investment in drone technology can be high, the speed and accuracy of the inspections can result in long-term savings.
  • Data Storage: Drone inspections generate digital data that can be stored and analyzed over time, providing valuable insights into the roof’s condition and any changes that may occur.

Drone inspections are revolutionizing the way we approach roofing maintenance and repair. By leveraging advanced technology, this method offers a host of benefits from enhanced safety to cost savings. As drones become more sophisticated and regulations more accommodating, drone inspections are set to become a standard practice in the roofing industry.


The advancements in roofing technologies are not just incremental; they are transformative. Solar roofing is turning our homes into power generators, making renewable energy an integral part of our daily lives. Cool roofing is addressing the urgent need for energy efficiency and climate control, especially in regions with extreme temperatures. Meanwhile, drone inspections are revolutionizing maintenance and safety protocols, offering precise, quick, and risk-free assessments of roofing conditions. These innovations are more than just features; they are indicative of a broader shift towards smarter, more sustainable living. As we look to the future, it’s clear that our roofs will do much more than just provide shelter. They will be active contributors to our home’s efficiency, safety, and sustainability.